With GPE's support, partner countries are building stronger and more resilient education systems to ensure that children get a quality education, putting them on the path to reach their full potential.

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GPE’s approach improves education at a systems level to create lasting change at scale. By looking at the big picture and going beyond individual schools, teachers or students, GPE leverages the profound transformations required to deliver 12 years of quality education for every girl and boy.

6 ways GPE achieves results

Ed Results Partnership

We leave no one behind

SUCCESS FACTORS FRAMEWORKS Helping Students Achieve Success. Success Factors at the community college level are the policies, procedures, and principles proven to be most effective in helping all students successfully reach their goals and move on to the next level of education or job. The Results for Learning Report 2013 issued by the Global Partnership for Education shows that GPE countries are making good progress in reaching education for Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Birmingham Education Partnership (BEP) exists for the benefit of every publicly funded school in Birmingham and seeks to be co-led by and built on the strengths of all Birmingham Schools. BEP is committed to no school being isolated and sees that local, city and national connectivity is a key to success for schools at every stage of their.

GPE supports countries with the greatest education needs and targets the hardest-to-reach children. More than 60% of our funding goes to countries affected by fragility and conflict, which have some of the highest rates of out-of-school children and the lowest levels of learning but lack the resources to sustainably build their education systems.

160 million more children are in school in partner countries

In Yemen, the ongoing conflict and the devastating consequences of forced displacement, and damaged and occupied school buildings have disrupted the education of 2.4 million children.
Nepal: Reaching the most disadvantaged children with education
Nepal’s Consolidated Equity Strategy for the Education Sector is removing barriers to access, participation and learning for children facing the starkest and most complex disparities.
Somalia-Puntland: A role model for other regions emerging from conflict
Despite facing long years of civil war and unrest, Puntland has made great progress in ensuring children can go to school and learn. This has resulted in the region becoming a role model for other countries emerging from conflict.

We transform education systems

GPE supports partner countries to strengthen their education systems and increase the number of children who are in school and learning. Strong education systems ensure that all children have access to quality education and can endure for future generations.

70% of partner countries with data improved learning outcomes

Ethiopia: A long-term commitment to education spurs results
GPE has been working closely with the Ethiopian government and development partners to strengthen the country’s education system and improve children’s learning. These efforts have led to significant achievements, including 95% of children enrolled in primary school.
Education in time of conflict: South Sudan pursues quality education as peace moves forward
South Sudan’s civil war has taken a toll on the country’s education system. With a new peace agreement now in place, GPE continues to support the government to bring children back to school and provide them a quality education.
Guyana: Closing the learning gap for the most vulnerable students
With GPE’s support, Guyana has made significant strides in early education and reduced learning disparities between regions. Now 88% of vulnerable children living in remote areas master early reading and math skills, similar to their peers in coastal regions.

We put gender equality at the heart of education systems

By putting gender at the center of all we do, GPE supports governments to involve teachers, parents, students and communities in creating a more gender equal world. GPE works to identify and address the specific obstacles faced by girls and boys in achieving education, close gender gaps, and enable countries where girls lag furthest behind to make bigger strides.

Twice as many girls are on the path to equality in partner countries

87% of girls enrolled in primary school in 2015 compared to just 44% in 2002
Mauritania: Distance shouldn’t stand between girls and their education
Meet 14-year-old Aichetou from Tarhil, Mauritania. She was able to transition from primary to lower secondary school thanks to a new school built near her home. This school is part of GPE’s support to Mauritania, to ensure that fewer girls drop out after primary school.
Bridging the gender gap in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Focusing on reducing the barriers to girls’ education, GPE is supporting the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo to ensure more girls enroll – and stay - in primary school.

Ed Results Partnership

We support teacher training and better allocation of teachers within countries

Teachers are central to children's learning. GPE supports lower-income countries to improve the quality of education by ensuring all teachers are qualified, motivated and well supported.

67 million more children have access to quality teachers

PLAP is a catch-up learning program for grades 3 to 7. It was launched in 2012 in Zimbabwe. Catch-up classes helps schools to address challenges faced by students on the spot.
Pakistan: Technology boosts education reform in remote areas
Technology solutions, spearheaded by a US$100 million grant from GPE, are transforming governance and accountability in the Balochistan and Sindh provinces of Pakistan, improving education for children facing the greatest barriers.
Sierra Leone: The power of great teaching in times of crisis
The Ebola crisis that plagued Sierra Leone in 2014-2016 had an unexpected positive consequence: giving learners access to the country’s best teachers through an innovative radio educational program. This experience served the country well when the COVID-19 pandemic hit.

Our partnership approach delivers greater impact

GPE's unique model brings together all education partners in local education groups in support of lower-income countries' priorities. Together, partners contribute at all phases of the education planning cycle, from sector analysis to evaluation. This inclusive approach strengthens the credibility and relevance of education plans and aligns partners behind the priorities outlined in the plan, ensuring reforms are strongly endorsed by all stakeholders.

97% of sector plans include strategies on support to the most marginalized, including girls and children with disabilities

GPE's support to Kenya has been invaluable in ensuring the country achieved universal primary education. With help from GPE, the government is comprehensively reforming its education sector to ensure girls and boys have access to quality education.

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In Chavuma Boarding Secondary School in North Western Province, Zambia, teacher Mizpah Musumali and head teacher Victor Muntangu explain how tracking results and collecting data can improve the education system.
Ed results partnership meeting
Tanzania: Unlocking education progress through strong partnerships
In the lead up to its joint education sector review, the Government of Tanzania organized field visits in six regions of the country. What were some of the key take-aways?

We increase and improve financing for education


GPE creates incentives for partner countries to develop financially sustainable education sector plans, increase national budget allocations and improve the equity and efficiency of education expenditure. Over time, partner countries have consistently shown that they increase domestic budgets dedicated to education at a faster pace than other lower-income countries.

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With innovative financing tools such as the GPE Multiplier, GPE crowds in more external support behind investments to deliver transformation. By using our funds as catalytic capital to drive more and better external financing for education, and by advocating for funding to be aligned behind national priorities, GPE achieves a disproportionate impact that goes far beyond the direct funds we invest.

US$6 billion saved through more efficient education spending

increased its overall budget share for education from 22% in 2014 to 26% in 2017
How the GPE Multiplier shifted incentives for better learning in Papua New Guinea
PNG's example demonstrates how the Multiplier mobilizes more funding, fosters partnerships, and reduces fragmentation—a more effective way to strengthen a country's education system.
Democratic Republic of Congo
increased its overall budget share for education from 16% in 2014 to 20% in 2017

Results Report 2020

The Results Report 2020 demonstrates the progress the partnership has made in educating the world’s most vulnerable children and provides the foundation for evaluating its work and charting a path forward.

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