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73 Cassidy Pl, Staten Island, NY 10301 is a 2 bed, 1 bath, 1,472 sqft Apartment listed for rent on Trulia for $2,095. See 6 photos, review amenities, and request a tour of the property today. Noord-Holland, English North Holland, coastal provincie (province), northwestern Netherlands.It comprises a peninsula surrounded by the North Sea (west), the Waddenzee (north), and the IJsselmeer (Lake IJssel; east). It includes the west Frisian island of Texel off its northern tip. The island of Marken in the IJsselmeer has been connected by embankment with the mainland since 1957; the former.

Property Overview

Property address64 Cassidy Pl
Zip code10301
BoroughStaten Island
Block & lot00065-0025
Lot dimensionsSubscribe
Lot sqft3,150i
Buildings on lot1
Building classTwo Stories Detached (Small or Moderate Size, with or without Attic) (A1)
Year built1915
Building Sq. Ft.Subscribe

Ownership Information

Owner name, mailing address and phone numbers for 64 Cassidy Pl. For LLC-owned properties, see who is behind the LLC, manually researched by our team. We are calling NYC property owners to verify that phone numbers reach the right person. Find out more about real owners and phone numbers.

Building contacts for 64 Cassidy Pl
Building management:
Representatives (from permits):
Registered voters:
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74 Cassidy Place Staten Island

Other Property Data for 64 Cassidy Place

Neighborhood:New Brighton
School district:31
Residential Units:1
Maximum floor area ratio:Subscribe
Available air rights:Subscribe
Closest police station:0.88 Miles - / type=psharkmap width=480 height=400 direction=right loc=nyc2 call_event=click title=NYC Police Districts arg1=64 Cassidy Pl valign= obj_name=popupmap' psrk-tip='tip_popup192903' psrk-tip-message='See neighborhood police stations'>See map
Closest fire station:0.44 Miles - / type=psharkmap width=480 height=400 direction=right loc=nyc2 call_event=click title=NYC Fire Districts arg1=64 Cassidy Pl valign= obj_name=popupmap' psrk-tip='tip_popup169469' psrk-tip-message='See neighborhood fire stations'>See map
Certificate of occupancy:Subscribe

Sales & Property History for 64 Cassidy Place

Sales history, mortgages, liens, and pre-foreclosures for 64 Cassidy Place.The complete property history is available in a single place, including buyer and seller information, detailed mortgage & lien records, distressed property records.

Sale date:5/8/2020
Sale price:$507,500
Buyer name:Subscribe
Seller name:Subscribe

Title Documents

Quickly perform a preliminary title search on your own. Records go back to 1966 and include the complete history of deeds, mortgages, assignments of leases and rents, and more! Plus, scanned images of document images are one-click away.

DateTypeAmountParty1Party2Doc image
5/8/2020 – D
5/15/2020 – R
5/8/2020 – D
5/15/2020 – R
12/22/2017 – D
2/2/2018 – R
12/22/2017 – D
2/2/2018 – R
10/10/2017 – D
11/9/2017 – R
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R: Recorded date
D: Document date

Property Taxes for 64 Cassidy Place

Access detailed property tax data for 64 Cassidy Pl. Tax information included: property tax, market value and assessed value, exemptions, abatements, and assessment history.

Tax year:2020-2021
Tax assessor's market value:$448,000
Current tax bill:$3,430

74 Cassidy Place Bridgewater


Assessment History for 64 Cassidy Place

Here's the assessment & property tax history for 64 Cassidy Place, including the evolution of the total tax rate and corresponding property tax.

YearBuilding classMarket valueAssessed valueTaxableTax rate%Base taxProperty tax

Permits for 64 Cassidy Place

Assess the condition of a property with access to the history of permits filed, including new construction or demolition permits, plus any work pertaining to plumbing, heating, sprinkler systems, and more! Data goes back to 1990.

74 cassidy place staten island74 Cassidy Place

Cassidy Place Kathie Lee Gifford

Pre filing dateJob typeJob statusJob descriptionDocumentBuilding type
02/04/2019Alteration type 2
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New Brighton residential market stats

74 Cassidy Place

View a detailed real estate market overview of New Brighton and check out current trends, home values, types of properties sold and transaction volume.
View the median home sale price in New Brighton and compare it to other neighborhoods in Staten Island.



Here are the neighbors for 64 Cassidy Pl.

AddressSquare feetPurchase datePurchase price
139 Lafayette Ave, Staten Island1,480
137 Lafayette Ave, Staten Island1,480
133-135 Lafayette Ave, Staten Island1,200
129 Lafayette Ave, Staten Island780
127 Lafayette Ave, Staten Island2,112
121 Lafayette Ave, Staten Island2,7754/11/2014
74 Cassidy Pl, Staten Island1,200
72 Cassidy Pl, Staten Island1,92010/31/2011
70 Cassidy Pl, Staten Island2,2807/27/2004
66 Cassidy Pl, Staten Island2,264
62 Cassidy Pl, Staten Island3,5252/21/2008$566,500
25 Henderson Ave, Staten Island3,10810/15/2019
52 Cassidy Pl, Staten Island2,1608/25/2017$580,000
40 Cassidy Pl, Staten Island3,1102/19/2019
23 Henderson Ave, Staten Island2,1607/23/2019$530,000
27 Henderson Ave, Staten Island1,892
35 Henderson Ave, Staten Island2,600
37 Henderson Ave, Staten Island1,600
41 Henderson Ave, Staten Island2,292
45 Henderson Ave, Staten Island2,1289/25/2014$341,250

Property Description

Cassidy Place Condos

The property at 64 Cassidy Pl, Staten Island, NY 10301 is located in New Brighton and it has a lot square footage of 3,150. 64 Cassidy Pl, Staten Island, NY 10301 is a Two Stories Detached (Small or Moderate Size, with or without Attic) (A1)property and was built in 1915. The tax amount paid on this property is $3,430 based on a total assessed value of $26,880.The tax amount for 64 Cassidy Pl, Staten Island, NY 10301 is estimated to be - for the next tax year. The designated school district for 64 Cassidy Pl, Staten Island, NY 10301is 31.

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