The Golden State Warriors currently sit atop the Western Conference standings, with a record of 45-20. At this point in the season, there are only two teams — the Milwaukee Bucks and Toronto Raptors — with better records than the back-to-back NBA Champions.

With that said, there are a couple of issues of concern for the defending champs, which may indicate that they are actually more vulnerable than they've been in recent years.

Cincinnati got its closeup Monday night on 'American Ninja Warrior.' It was an action-packed episode Monday, the final qualifying round in the hit show's 11th season, and it came with dozens of. I felt like an eating window of 3:00/3:30 p.m. To 7:00/7:30 p.m. Would be good for my work, life, and family schedule. I decided to commit to one week on the Warrior Diet because I thought I'd be. Steph Curry and the Warriors made sure to thank longtime official scorer Fred Kast after his final game with the organization.

First off, the Dubs have not defended home court well, this season, continuing a troubling trend which began last season. In fact, last season's mark of 29-12 at home was by far the worst of the Steve Kerr era:


Home Record

2014-15: 39-2

2015-16: 39-2

2016-17: 36-5

2017-18: 29-12

2018-19: 24-9 (8 home games remaining)

While this current season's home record stands mere percentage points ahead of last year's pace, the Warriors still have proven to be far from the nightmare they used to be at Oracle Arena, throughout their championship run.

The other troubling trend plaguing the Bay's team is their record against quality opponents. Against teams with a record of .500 or better, they are a disappointing 20-16. Compare that mark with how they've fared against opponents from the same category in recent years, and the data is shocking:

Record vs .500+ Teams

2014-15: 45-9

2015-16: 41-5

2016-17: 33-11

2017-18: 30-19

What's worse is how the Dubs have performed against the league's 'elite' teams. Against the other six teams in the league's top-7, the Warriors are 5-8, winless against both the Toronto Raptors (0-2) and the surging Houston Rockets (0-3).

Two hallmarks of the Warrior-dominated past four seasons, which saw them set the all-time mark for W-L record (73-9 in '15-'16) and go (3-1) over the course of four consecutive NBA Finals appearances, have been their incredible home court record and their ability to handle the league's best teams. The trends show that each category has been sliding since their 73-9 season, though they won championships each of the past two seasons. However, it remains to be seen whether this season's struggles are indicative of a team that has grown weary (and possibly bored) with the grind of the regular season, or, perhaps, it is a reflection of a league that has finally caught up to the team that is always considered a real-life 'cheat code.'

Most online fitness 'experts' share before and after pictures of people they trained in person. Then, they use the photos to promote their workout programs. Well...

You and I both know that it's a hell of a lot easier to get results when you're working with a trainer in person. So...

Instead of feeding you the same B.S. Success Stories that you're seeing all over the internet, I wanted to share with you some success stories from real people, who I have never met in person, who used the Workout Warriors programs to transform their health and their body!

All of these people got these results by using one of the Workout Warriors programs and our current weight loss record that I know of is 71lbs!

If you're not sure what program is right for you, then make sure you take the 30-second quiz I created for you so you could find out your Core Type...

Warrior Made Scam

Otherwise, I hope you enjoy reading about how real people just like you got amazing results while working out at home using the Workout Warriors programs!

Tyler Bramlett
Head Coach, Warrior Made


Before finding I hated the way my body looked. I even did my best to avoid mirrors at all costs because just I didn't not feel pretty or attractive.

Using Tyler's program transformed me by giving me the knowledge and belief in myself that I can reach my goals. This is the first program I have stuck with in 3 years and I've lost 71lbs because of it!


I have exercised for the past 55 years. An injury that put me out of running/walking for ten months — 4 years ago — let to a fifteen pound weight gain. Despite lifting 4x-5x, and long treadmill (35 to 65 minutes) four days a week I never managed to lose weight.

Tyler's workout programs finally made a difference! I accomplished more in 50 days than in several years — and in much less time. Now I look better and feel much better about how I look which is nice considering that I didn't realize how much weight I had gained until I started to try and lose it.

After using the Warrior Made Workouts, my regular belts are now too big. Pants I haven't worn in four years because they were too tight are now REALLY loose. I have a tight fitting t-shirt that I was no longer willing to wear because of my 'belly fat' — I can now wear it proudly.

Most importantly, despite a very healthy diet for years, my cholesterol and triglyceride levels had soared and my doctor wanted to put me on medicine. That really woke me up.

Using the strategies Tyler teaches, my cholesterol went from 260 to 190 and my triglycerides from 144 to 44. My doctor couldn't believe it. Had I gone the medicine route it would have cost $2,400 a year or $1,800 for the generic version. My small investment on gave me the information I needed and paid me back fifty-fold.

As I turn 68 (sixty-eight — can't believe that) next month I will be feeling and looking quite good. THANK YOU!


I look better and feel better!

My energy, strength, and mood are all improved. Pants I had trouble buttoning a year ago are LOOSE! I can do more than I thought possible!

I had virtually stopped exercising and was having a hard time getting going despite good intentions Tyler motivated me to start, and the results motivated me to keep going.

I can do several pushups now, something that I haven't done in 6 years since I injured my shoulder. And, at 61 I'm feeling more like 40!


Before, I dieted on and off for years and lost & gained weight many times. I've tried many different exercise programs and they just take too much time with limited results.

Now after finding Tyler's programs I feel great! I have a much more positive outlook, my energy is much higher and I don't need as much sleep. Following the program gave me my self-confidence back. I feel good about myself and that translates into how I interact with people and just how I carry myself. I've started dating and met a great man who makes me even happier!

I've lost over 15 pounds and 2 pant sizes and have had a huge number of compliments. This program has definitely helped move my life in a more positive direction! Thanks so much!!!


Before finding Tyler's Programs, I was embarrassed to take my shirt off and I absolutely hated my big butt and love handles. After all, I have had a LOT of trouble losing weight and keeping it off.

Results Warrior Made


It seems that every time I get into a good workout routine, some injury happens and I stop working out and gain my weight back. So, my goal going into this was to look more fit, especially around the belly, waist, love handles, and butt area.

After just 50 days, I am stronger than I have ever been. For example, I am able to do 15 pullups in a row without stopping, which to me is a miracle! I have more energy than ever before, and I'm in a good mood pretty much all of the time.

My pants that used to be too tight 50 days ago are now too loose, as I have lost 4 inches from my waist! I have a new-found joy for working out, and it doesn't take up all of my free time to do it.



Before finding my results were not good. I knew my BMI and body fat percentage were way too high and I desperately wanted to lean out.

However, as I get older, losing weight continues to get harder and harder and every workout routine I have tried I end up abandoning because I don't have time to work it into my schedule. I also was diagnosed with herniated discs at C6 & C7 so I have to be careful with high impact activities.

After giving Tyler's program a shot for just 7 weeks, I feel more energetic, happy and the way he designs them shows me that I am indeed getting stronger. I have dropped one whole pant size and am very close to being ready to drop one more. So far, I lost 13 lbs and decreased my body fat by 3%.


The big thing though that I think sets his programs apart from the rest is the personal touch from Tyler and the community support. I have literally tried about every program out there and this is the first one I have been successful at that I feel can truly be a lifestyle change.

Tyler taught me about consistency and I feel like he genuinely cares about my success. I have ALWAYS been an all or nothing person. I have never been able to break through that until now. I was either on program or I was off program, no in between, but I have now learned there are so many aspects to living a healthy lifestyle and all are important.

I highly recommend you try one of Tyler's programs. The results will speak for themselves!

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