Adherence to Young Earth Creationism and rejection of evolution is higher in the U.S. Than in most of the rest of the Western world. A 2012 Gallup survey reported that 46 per cent of Americans believed in the creationist view that God created humans in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years, a statistic which has remained essentially the same since 1982; for those with a. 40jaar startpagina (tip). In ieder geval is het bereiken van je veertigste verjaardag een mooie reden voor ee 40 jaar. Confetti Partyshopper. Tekst 40 jaar getrouwd voorbeelden Tekst 40 jaar getrouwd, bekijk de vele voorbeelden van teksten voor je 40 jarig huwelijk. De eerste 40 jaar van je jeugd zijn de moeilijkste. De eerste 40 jaar van je jeugd zijn de moeilijkste. Remember 40 is the new 20. Remember 40 is the new 20. Birthday Cards WHSmith. Buy Birthday Cards at WHSmith. We have a great range of Birthday Cards from top brands.

This is the time of year when firms trot out their annual Year in Preview outlooks.

These are counter-productive exercises for investors. First, they are little more than guesses. I mean that literally; there is no valid science to estimating stock prices, interest rates, inflation, bond yields, gold, bitcoin or whatever 12 months out.

Consider: How many strategists had “Global Pandemic, one million deaths, 34% market crash, but with huge gains in FAANMG stocks and a 12% annual S&P500 gain” in their 2020 Outlooks? None.

The future is both unknown and unknowable. Don’t blame Covid — wars, pandemics, natural disasters and other tail risk events are a feature, not a bug. The unprecedented occurs with alarming regularity. This is why the forecasters never stand a chance over the course of a year.

The most problematic issue is that when investors make (or adopt someone else’s) forecast, they tend to manage their portfolios towards that forecast. They want to be proven correct, regardless of the personal economic consequences. This human stubbornness led famed technician Ned Davis of NDR to title his 2000 book, Being Right or Making Money.

So instead of smart long term advice, what we get instead with these outlooks & forecasts are more transactional, temporary, and of the moment. Even today, despite trading commissions being (kinda) free. What these forecasts do is act as a glossy advertising campaign designed to attract new clients — not help existing clients. These provide little in the way of guidance for meeting long-term goals of retirement, generational wealth transfer, paying for college, buying a house, etc.

Predictions, as we have repeatedly noted over the years, are nothing more than marketing.

Ever wonder why so many forecasts cluster around the same points? Many forecasters simply take current price levels, extrapolate an average annual gain (e.g., 8-10% in equities) and anchor their forecast around that. This helps to explain why so many outlooks appear so similar — its simple extrapolation.

And, I say this as someone who has gotten some big calls more or less right. I only wish I could tell whether it was skill or luck, but that determination is beyond me.

Here is my outlook for 2021: We will all be even more sick to death of lockdown, more bored silly working from home, and damned tired of re-living the same Groundhog day over and over again. I predict Covid fatigue is no joke: it is real, and dangerous and frustrating as hell. At least there is some light at the end of the tunnel, with at least 3 vaccines in the late stages of approval. With a little bit of luck, maybe life begins to return to normal next summer.


I challenge you to find a more truthful 2021 outlook.

Predictions and Forecasts

Quote 40 Jaar Per

The Halfway Point (November 20, 2020)

“Unprecedented” Uncertainty (June 9, 2020)

Forecasting is Marketing . . . (January 24, 2015)

Are you looking for some useful 40th birthday sayings and quotes?

When asked, people who are turning forty usually say that they might be older but they are definitely wiser and that they are ready to live their youth all over again. That's probably why most of the 40th birthday quotes and sayings that have been written centre on a bit of tongue-in-cheek humor.

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Quote 40 Jaar Getrouwd


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These sayings work very well for someone with a sense of humor. Most people take turning 40 very seriously, so finding a laugh in sayings is the perfect idea.

Quote 40 Jaar Movie

Here are some popular tongue-in-cheek 40th birthday sayings and quotes.

'I'm not 40, I'm eighteen with 22 years experience.' - Author Unknown

'Forty, Shmorty.' 'Lordy, I'm Forty!' - frenchfriar

'Just remember, once you're over the hill you begin to pick up speed.' - Charles M. Schultz

'I'm not forty - I'm 39 and 365 days young!' - Christine175

'What most persons consider as virtue, after the age of 40 is simply a loss of energy' - Helen Rowland

'The Naughty Forties' - Unknown

'Turning Forty … You're a big kid now' - Unknown

'Turning forty means you can have a second youth' - Unknown

'Turning forty and almost over the hill' - Unknown

'The best thing about turning forty, everything is downhill from here' - Unknown

Quote 40 Jaar

'The lovely thing about being forty is that you can appreciate twenty-five-year-old men.' - Colleen McCullough

'There are three hundred and sixty-four days when you might get un-birthday presents.' - Lewis Carroll

'Forty - the new F word: Fabulous' - Unknown

'Fabulous at forty' - Unknown

'You know you're turning forty when light from your birthday cake candles significantly contributes to global warming' - Linda Klemanski

'Foxy Forties' - Unknown

'Are you beginning to look like Dad … you could be forty!' - Tom Rent

'Life begins on your 40th birthday. But so do fallen arches, rheumatism, faulty eyesight, and the tendency to tell a story to the same person, three or four times.' - Helen Rowland

'So you're turning forty? That's no reason to lose your feathers! Look on the bright side: Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that people who have the most live the longest!' - Larry Lorenzoni

Now, wasn't that last one a great 40th birthday saying?

Some people enjoy the more intellectual side of turning forty. The following 40th birthday sayings imply wisdom and can be used for people who are more sensitive.

'At age 20, we worry about what others think of us. At 40, we don't care what they think of us. At 60, we discover they haven't been thinking of us at all.' - Anonymous

'At 20 years of age the will reigns; at 30 the wit; at 40 the judgment.' - Benjamin Franklin

'Forty is the old age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age.' - French Proverb

'Life begins at forty.' - W B Pitkin

This last 40th birthday saying is so short yet inspiring.

'When I passed forty I dropped pretense, 'cause men like women who got some sense.' - Maya Angelou

'The first forty years of life give us the text: the next thirty supply the commentary.' - Arthur Schopenhauer

'This wine is forty years old. It certainly doesn't show its age.' - Cicero

'If life really begins on your 40th birthday, it's because that's when women finally get it.. the guts to take back their lives.' - Laura Randolph

Did you find any of the above 40th birthday sayings and quotes powerful and life-changing?

There are several authors who will write a personalized phrase as well, based on a few insights; they are relatively inexpensive and most will produce a fantastic result too.

There is an abundance of 40th birthday sayings or phrases - the only problem is choosing just one.

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Do YOU have some inspirational quotes, sayings, messages or verses to help jazz up a fortieth birthday celebration? Share and write about your great quote ideas here!

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